Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Double XP Ends Tomorrow

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has updated its multiplayer playlist across PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One this week. The changes include Shoot the Ship's return, double XP this weekend, and more. You'll want to jump in soon, however, as double XP will be gone tomorrow. Developer Infinity Ward revealed that the Shoot the Ship playlist is back in a recent Call of Duty update post. The playlist consists of both Shoot House and Shipment 24/7, two of the game's most-popular multiplayer maps. The two locations feature tight spaces for frantic firefights and alleyways perfect for close-ranged skirmishes. You can read more...
PlayStation 5: Everything We Know So Far -- PS5 DualSense

PS5 Release Date This is surely the question on everybody's lips: when will the PS5 come out? Sony, as you'd expect, is tight-lipped on the matter, but it has confirmed a "holiday 2020" release window for the PlayStation 5. The company has been no more specific than that--Microsoft has also provided the same vague window--but historically, November has been a frequent month for console releases in the past. Pre-orders are unlikely to go live until a release date and pricing information are revealed, but you can sign up for pre-order notifications from several major retailers now. PS5 Price Again, Sony has not stated...
How The New Valorant Ranked System Works

Valorant's ranked Competitive mode has been live all weekend for anyone with access to the closed beta. Similar to other competitive, team-based games like Riot's League of Legends or Valve's Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which Valorant draws influence from, the new competitive mode is available alongside its casual, "Unrated" mode. Once you unlock Competitive mode, playing a certain number of placement matches will earn you your first rank, which is a reflection of your skill level and will affect how Valorant's matchmaking system pairs you with other players in ranked play. But how does Valorant's Competitive ranked mode work? How many Unrated matches do...